::oh, June::

The last month has been so wonderfully full. So much has been getting done, and so much has started. The garden and chickens are doing so well. The weeds are doing well, too, ahem. We lucked out on finding a new bed on the cheap! So, the girls were able to inherit our old bed and now everyone is happy.
We started GAPS intro about 6 weeks ago and everyone is feeling better.  We all definitely have food allergies. Wheat is a biggie as is plain sugar. Our family went to a birthday party a little over a week ago and we are still recovering from the cupcakes. Also, recently in food news, baby boy is now a food eater! He passed the six month mark and just adores eating. Silly, wiggly boy. He thinks he's big or something.
Today we sold our RV. I was only a tiny bit sad to see it go, and so happy to have one less mortgage to pay! My love told me that the new owners also have a garden and chickens and that we would have totally jived if we would have met. I opted to stay at home with the kiddies today, instead of venturing an hour each way in the 90+ degree heat. Smart mama, I say.
I started drinking coffee again over the last two weeks. I have gotten so much more done since doing that! I'm making my own syrup and using an aeropress now. It's the tastiest coffee ever! Can't wait to write up a post on how I do both. This post got my wheels turning on coffee. So glad I went back to it.

I've recently re-opened my etsy shop back up! I've renamed it The Bearded Bantam, after my two littlest chickies, and am hoping to have it stocked by the end of the month. Dying yarn has proven to be very addictive and so much fun! I can wait to share more colorways once they are perfected.

This little Ridinghood sweater is about to make its way up north tomorrow.  A little girl who is a few days younger than baby boy is the intended recipient of this sweet sweater and I do so hope her and her mama love it. It was a great knit, though I don't intend on doing another one anytime soon.

Right now, I've got some older projects I'm trying to finish up. I think next in line is a baby blanket that I started almost a year ago for baby boy. Hopefully, typing this up will keep me in check and I will get this thing finished!

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